Saturday, August 28, 2010

68th post : Random update.

Hello fellow readers (if there is even any) of this insignificant blog.
Yes, i decided to blog for a while.
Many has happened for the past few centuries i've NOT been here.
and yesterday was my birthday. quite memorable one, since it's the first one i spent with new friends.
so overall, nice and sweet.
thank you all who wished my for my birthday,
and those who didn't, you are making such a huge mistake. screw you. go and die. BOO.
(okay the didn't wish for me part is just for fun, no harm done).
and to those who made the effort to sms me, wall me on facebook at exact timings, I LOVE YOU ALL.

okay, i have no idea why i'm here.......... oh!
just to let you guys know, i have an alternative blog. more like a picture blog but...... it's nice okay! 
visit it some time! (MUST, FORCES USING A DAGGER)

it's quite emotional, cause i reblog alot of sad stuff. but i think it's related to me, so i reblog lor.
haha, i recommend you guys to try tumblr sometime. it's quite interesting.
ahhhh. now i dunno what to say.

okay, i'm going to rant. i have so much in my heart/ whatever you can store feelings and complaints.
CANNOT SEE ISIT? lol, like very agitated <--------- (oops?)

for some privacy sakes, i will just blog in hangul. so don't bother translating, because google translate sucks.

너! 어떻게 당신이 날 데려가합니까? 네 마음대로 부리는에서?
내가 도와 줄 거라 기대하고 전에 그냥 몇 시간이라고하는거야?
그리고 난 진지하게 당신의 태도를 좋아하지 않아.
당신과 당신의 자기 집착 세상. 당신은 이걸 최고야 생각. , 자신을 봐주십시오. 이년아.
화를 할 때 모든 일이 뜻대로 가지 않아지고. 인생을.
그리고 여자 친구, 난 당신이 그리워요. 내가 당신에게 너무 알고 얘기하고 싶지?
난 당신이 날 .. 잊지 않았 으면 좋겠 우리는 한때 가장 친한 친구 ..했다
난 이걸하지만 .. 게시 죽을 것 같아요 난 괜찮아요 같아요.
모두 나에게 내 인생에서 최고의.
정말 지금 스트레스. 그래서 조금 시간이 떠났다. 누가 도와 줘요. 주시기 바랍니다.
난 당신이 여기 아무것도 이해하지 않았 으면. 감사합니다.

so little time left, someone save me.