End of the world
1.Do you believe in 2012? NO. stop asking noob questions .
What will you do in 2013?Watch 2012 and laugh my FUCKING ass out.
3.Will you run if 2012 happens?If it is meant for me to die, i won't run.
4.What colours is your undies now? Blue .
5.What is your bra colour?HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU I DON'T WEAR BRA.
6.Are you gay or les?I'm none .(STRAIGHT FTW)
7.Do you enjoy watching porn?. No.
8.Do you enjoy sex? It'll be fake if i said no.
9.Do you kiss on the first date?Depends . i wan kiss then kiss la.
10.Do you have sex with anyone who asks for it?No. STUPID QUESTION.
11.Do you envy couples?Sometimes.
12.Do you go to the toilet in the middle of the night?Duh.
13.Name 3 cars you wish to have ? Any convertable or sports car would do fine. LAMBO!
14.What phone brand do you like? anything .
15.Your relationship status: Single.
16.Are you a virgin? Yes.
17.Do you desire for sex? i'll desire for it when i'm an adult.
18.Do you lust? Lust about? NOOB.
19.Do you steal?Nope.
20.Do you kill?I kill ants.
21.Do you smoke? Not sure o-o.
22.Do you do drugs?No.
23.Do you drink alcohol? erm. occasionally.
24.Are you easily drunk?Er, okay? i guess.
25.What car would you use to fetch your bride? i dowan fetch her. she got leg dunno how walk?26.Why?(Continue from above question) Cos she got leg.
27.Do you wish to have kids? yeh.
28.Where would you bring her for your honeymoon? Europe.
29.Will you have sex with her after your marriage(immediately)? i thot need dong fang? O.O
30.Will you argue with her? OBVIOUSLY.
end of tag, woohoO!
I just realised my blog very green.
LOL, & no more profile pic.
will update pic soon. xD
TMRW going out :D
Watch new moon!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, hope it's nice.
if not. i will kill ...
someone. LOL.
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